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Military action only way to return displaced Israelis in northern Israel: minister

JERUSALEM, Sept. 16 (Xinhua) — Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Monday that the only way to return tens of thousands of displaced Israelis to their homes in northern Israel is through military action.
“Hezbollah is maintaining its ties to Hamas and refusing to end the conflict. The only remaining path to return northern residents home is through military action,” Gallant said during a meeting with visiting White House senior advisor Amos Hochstein, according to a statement released by Gallant’s office.
“The window for a diplomatic resolution is closing,” Gallant said.
He also briefed Hochstein on Israel’s military operations against Hezbollah in Lebanon and emphasized the importance of U.S. support for Israel during the ongoing conflict.
Tensions along the Lebanon-Israel border have escalated since Oct. 8, 2023, following a barrage of rockets launched by Hezbollah toward Israel in solidarity with Hamas’ attack on Israel the day before. Israel then retaliated by firing heavy artillery toward southeastern Lebanon.
Tens of thousands of residents on both sides of the border have been displaced due to the fighting. ■
